President of the Institute of Information and Social Communication visited Radio Florida

Florida, June 18 – The implementation strategy of the Social Communication Law in its different areas and the progress of the New Cuban Press Model, a national experiment in which Radio Florida is part of, were the topics discussed during the visit of Alfonso Noya Martínez, president of the Institute that governs the new law, to the municipality.

After the meeting held with the local authorities, Noya Martínez visited areas of the Florida radio station, where he was able to check the technical and constructive state of the radio plant, and to learn about the main problems faced by the workers of this press organ to carry out the important mission of informing the people.

The law recently published in the Official Gazette of Cuba, regulates the Social Communication System for the management of processes in the organizational, media and community areas, for political, public benefits, organizational and commercial purposes, whether in physical or digital spaces.

The steps and good practices to be taken into account in the implementation of the Social Communication Law, as well as the composition, characteristics and results of institutional communication in the municipality of Florida, were other topics that focused the attention of Alfonso Noya Martínez in his visit to this demarcation.

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