Timely alert in Florida in view of the current epidemiological danger (+Audio)

According to information from the Ministry of Public Health, health systems throughout the country were activated due to the confirmation of the presence of the Oropouche virus in nine Cuban provinces and 23 municipalities, along with other concurrent diseases such as dengue and acute respiratory diseases.

Undoubtedly, this news of maximum interest for the population comes at a complex moment, not only because of the beginning of the rainy season and higher temperatures, but also because of the shortages and limitations of resources of all kinds to face these diseases.

It is no secret that both dengue and the Oropouche virus are transmitted through mosquito bites; and these, in turn, take advantage of the deficient hygienic-sanitary and environmental conditions to survive and multiply.

It is not necessary to have a doctorate in epidemiology, nor to be an extraordinary seer to realize the risk of this type existing today in the municipality of Florida, where there are dozens of micro dumps, urban garbage dumps, leaks in water networks, sewage overflows, ditches with poor drainage, heavy weeding in yards, streets and sidewalks, puddles and other reservoirs of water and waste converted into potential sources of Aedes aegypti and the rest of its biting relatives.

It would be unfair, childish or at least not very serious to ignore that, right now, we do not have all the fuel, insecticides, equipment and even the necessary personnel to promote a battle of great proportions against this reality, but instead, the will, the perception of risk, responsibility and the common effort, “with all and for the good of all”, must be raised here.

The increase of febrile cases and symptoms pointing to dengue and the Oropouche virus, call for joining forces in Florida and convening a popular, administrative, trade union and community movement led by the Government and the constituency delegates to protect the life and health of all.

The joint mission for this claim? Chapea, cleaning and collection of solid waste in neighborhoods and communities with automotive, animal traction or alternative means; exchange with the people and convince them of how much inertia, indiscipline and lack of awareness threaten us today with respect to arbovirosis circulating in the local environment.

The General Directorate of Public Health in the territory has been warning for a long time about what could happen if urgent measures are not taken to sanitize the city and the rural communities; nobody imagines that in these cases we can play Russian roulette, because we already know, in the flesh, the good fortune of Florida in the case of epidemics.

Those of us who live here remember the ordeal of 2018 in the presence of dengue fever, when not only the report of deaths from the disease was regretted, but also the blow to the most prominent managers of the Public Health System of the territory at that time, an event that still hurts and left wounds still bleeding in that significant sector.

Only unity, leadership and foresight can replace the lack of resources right now; in the face of the threat of the mosquito, dengue and the Oropouche virus, let everyone do their part of the duty, but with the support of many so that this summer will be different from the tensions and pain suffered in 2018.

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