Tag Archives: nowadays

Jesús Suárez Gayol, The Rubio who fought alongside Che Guevara

On May 24, 1936, the outstanding revolutionary Jesús Suárez Gayol, Cuban internationalist fighter, member of the 26th of July Movement and one of Che Guevara’s guerrilla fighters in Bolivia, known as El Rubio, was born in Manatí, nowadays Las Tunas province, on May 24, 1936.

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Yoelvis Cardoso Sánchez, a brave of these difficult times (+ Audio)

Florida, Jun 6.- Personal sacrifice, responsibility and the humanistic sense of helping those who need it are values that guide the actions of many in Florida during the current health and economic contingency, aggravated by COVID-19. The day to day of Floridian Yoelvis Cardoso Sánchez is at the height of these times, as Yunier Soler Castellanos exposes it in the following report for the informative programming of Radio Florida.