Tag Archives: percent

Defending bee health, an ongoing task for Floridian beekeepers

Florida, May 21 – The beekeepers of the municipality of Florida arrived at the World Bee Day with concrete actions to defend the health and presence of this essential insect in the ecosystems and productive sites of the territory.

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Little impact of banking penetration to date in Florida (+Audio)

Florida, Feb. 19 – The process of bankarization in Florida is only perceptible to date in the progress of the digitalization of the payrolls to deposit the payment to the workers in magnetic cards, since the high demand for cash remains practically intact, and proof of this is the increase of the queues to extract money in the only two ATMs of the municipality.

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Rains in recent days benefit Florida reservoirs

Florida, June 13.- Muñoz Dam, the largest reservoir in the municipality of Florida, significantly increased its volume of stored water after the rains of the trough that during this weekend caused flooding in areas of the different cardinal points of the territory .

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