Tag Archives: financial

Economic blockade hinders the promotion of foreign investment in Florida

Florida, June 24 – The economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on the Cuban nation for more than 60 years has been a huge obstacle for the promotion and development of export and foreign investment activities, to the detriment of the need to bring in foreign currency and new technologies to sustain the country’s different socioeconomic programs.

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Urgent need to strengthen administrative control over Florida’s Local Development projects

Florida, Mar. 14 – In the municipality of Florida it is necessary to reinforce the administrative control over the service activities and financial operations of the Local Development Projects, in order to ensure the quality of the services provided to the people and to capture all the monetary and tax revenues of these economic actors.

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A tense year for government management in Florida concludes (+Audio)

Florida, Dec 29.- 2023 was an extremely tense year for government management in the municipality of Florida, a territory where the negative impact of the US blockade on the country’s economy is also felt, and there is a lack of creativity to overcome this obstacle as much as possible. , and productivity to increase the production of goods and services in favor of the well-being of the people and local development.

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Pi Palermo, new Local Development Project for Florida

Florida, Oct 23.- In the most recent session of Florida Municipal Administration Council, a new Local Development Project for gastronomy and recreation services was approved under the name of Pi Palermo, in response to the need to generate new sources of income. financial income for the state budget.

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More than 40 million pesos in social assistance are executed in Florida

Florida, Dec 17.- More than 40 million pesos have been executed to date in the municipality of Florida with the aim of guaranteeing Social Assistance benefits to families in vulnerable situations.

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More than 200 vulnerable families received financial aid in Florida

Florida, Jan 5.- More than 200 families received financial aid for the start of this new year in Florida, as part of the state program of attention to natural persons with the condition of vulnerable before the current task of monetary and exchange regulation in Cuba . Continue reading