Tag Archives: revolutionary

Maceo and Che: ideals, exemplarity and mutual principles.

June 14, 2024 – The dates of birth coincide on June 14 of two men who, at key moments in Cuban history, led invading columns to extend the revolutionary war; but more than this event, Major General Antonio Maceo Grajales and Commander Ernesto Guevara de la Serna matched each other, commun principles, the exemplarity through which they assumed the profession of man that Martí described.

Master in the use of military tactics and with an unlimited courage, Antonio Maceo, who was born in 1845 in Santiago de Cuba, became Lieutenant General of the Liberating Army and, generation after generation, is identified as the Bronze Titan; by not accepting the peace with unworthy conditions proposed by the Spanish colonialism, his Baraguá Protest made him a symbol of the revolutionary intransigence of the Cubans.

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna was born in 1928 in the Argentinean city of Rosario; known worldwide as Che, the doctor specialized in allergy joined his destiny to Cuban’s since he met Fidel in Mexico and joined in Mexico the group of revolutionaries who arrived in Cuba in the expedition of the Granma yacht.

Che was the first of those promoted by Fidel Castro to the highest rank of the Rebel Army in the Sierra Maestra, and after the triumph of the Revolution he shone as a statesman in the most diverse responsibilities until, with absolute dedication, he offered his life in Bolivia fighting for the independence of Latin America to become the universal image of internationalism.

Despite living in different times, Maceo and Che were born into a privileged family, were educated at home and had the opportunity to study, in addition to the link with the rural environment that favored the formation of a character and physical conditions.

Visiting different countries of the American continent facilitated in both of them the formation of an anticolonialist and internationalist thought and the experiences in the battlefields made them transcend as true exponents of intransigence and revolutionary radicalism.

Jesús Suárez Gayol, The Rubio who fought alongside Che Guevara

On May 24, 1936, the outstanding revolutionary Jesús Suárez Gayol, Cuban internationalist fighter, member of the 26th of July Movement and one of Che Guevara’s guerrilla fighters in Bolivia, known as El Rubio, was born in Manatí, nowadays Las Tunas province, on May 24, 1936.

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José María Heredia, poet and initiator of the Cuban revolutionary process

José María Heredia y Heredia transcended in history as one of the initiators of romanticism in Latin America and a fundamental poet of the Spanish language; with a poetic work full of patriotic feelings and independence thinking, and for his connection with the political struggles against oppression, he is included among the precursors of the Cuban revolutionary process.

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Florida’s educational sector pays tribute to Cuba’s National Hero

Florida, May 4 – On the 129th anniversary of the fall in combat of José Martí, Cuba’s National Hero, the General Directorate of Education in Florida will develop a day of activities to pay tribute to the man who is recognized as the most universal of Cubans.

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María Antonia González Rodríguez, hostess of Cuban revolutionaries in exile in Mexico

Florida, April 3 – Through Che Guevara’s farewell letter we knew about the house of María Antonia, that Cuban woman who emigrated to Mexico in the early 50’s of the last 20th century and became the hostess of the young people who, along with Fidel Castro, marched to the Aztec nation with the dream of being free or martyrs in 1956.

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The 65th Anniversary of the National Revolutionary Police is commemorated in Florida

Florida, Jan 5.- Committed to increasing surveillance and action against crime, illegalities and social indiscipline, officers and combatants of the National Revolutionary Police (PNR), in Florida, commemorated this Thursday the 65th anniversary of that force of internal order.

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Photojournalist Sergio Canales Selpa is evoked in Florida

Florida, May 15.- A tribute was paid to Sergio Canales Selpa at the Center for Pedagogical Documentation and Information (CDIP) of the municipality of Florida, on the 85th anniversary of his birth on May 12.

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Social organizations: important pillars in popular participation in revolutionary work

Florida, Dec 23.- The year 2020 brought innumerable challenges to the mass organizations in the municipality of Florida; The Cuban battle against COVID-19 was and is an important component in the participation of the Cuban people; women, peasants, youth and communities have contributed much to this great battle waged by the country. Continue reading

Revolutionary Armed Forces: men and women who defend the sovereignty of the Homeland at all costs

Revista militar por el aniversario 50 de la proclamación del Carácter Socialista de la Revolución Cubana y de la Victoria Militar de Playa Girón, en acto efectuado en la Plaza de la Revolución José Martí, en La Habana, Cuba, el 16 de abril de 2011.

Florida, Dec 2.- An army of workers, peasants and students marches in Cuba armed by dignity, justice and an unwavering will to defend the independence and sovereignty of the socialist Homeland at all costs. Continue reading

Health Care, a Right in Revolutionary Cuba

Health Care, a Right in Revolutionary Cuba

Health Care, a Right in Revolutionary Cuba

Havana, Dec 11 –  After the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, there was a mass exodus of health professionals. History shows that 50 percent of 6,000 doctors left the country. Continue reading